Ask Dr. Ruth Screening
Hello Neighbor hosted a special screening of the documentary, Ask Dr. Ruth. Ask Dr. Ruth highlights the life of 90-year-old Dr. Ruth Westheimer, a child refugee and Holocaust survivor who became America's most famous sex therapist.
Ask Dr. Ruth Screening
Hello Neighbor hosted a special screening of the documentary, Ask Dr. Ruth. Ask Dr. Ruth highlights the life of 90-year-old Dr. Ruth Westheimer, a child refugee and Holocaust survivor who became America's most famous sex therapist.
Ask Dr. Ruth highlights the life of 90-year-old Dr. Ruth Westheimer, a child refugee and Holocaust survivor who became America's most famous sex therapist.
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Ask Dr. Ruth Screening
Hello Neighbor hosted a special screening of the documentary, Ask Dr. Ruth. Ask Dr. Ruth highlights the life of 90-year-old Dr. Ruth Westheimer, a child refugee and Holocaust survivor who became America's most famous sex therapist.
5505 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15217
May 29, 2019
6:30 pm
0:00 pm
Public Event
FacebookEvent Recap